Multicompany & Intercompany Functionality

multicompanyCarillon ERP allows you to have unlimited companies and unlimited branches within a company. You will never have to log out just to switch the company you want to process or see. In fact, with Carillon’s Multiple Document Interface, you can have multiple companies’ information on the screen at the same time. Furthermore, each branch of your company can have unlimited inventory locations.

Organizations with multiple companies save time with Carillon’s ERP software because they are able to manage all of their companies at once, rather than having separate logins and databases for each company.

This functionality is ideal for enterprises or franchises. You won’t believe how much time you save by not having to log in and out of the program!

In addition to being able to have an ERP system for multiple companies, Carillon ERP also comes out of the box with intercompany functionality.

With Carillon ERP, when you get an invoice that needs to be applied to multiple companies, you won’t have to go in and enter vouchers multiple times. Any company may process other companies’ payables or receivables and Carillon will automatically create the appropriate intercompany payables and receivables. This means that you can split one vendor invoice amongst multiple companies. You can also have one company write checks to pay other companies’ vendors.

For more information or to set up a free, personalized demo of Carillon ERP, please contact:

Larry R. Pettit, CPA, CITP, CGMA