Stay Connected with Real Time ERP

Real time ERP that keeps your connected with accurate information

We talk a lot about why companies should only be using truly real time ERP solutions for their business processes. It is a point that cannot be driven home enough. Many solution providers will claim that their product is real time, but that is usually not the reality. If you ever have to wait for batch data, jump through hoops to find info from other locations, or even lack access when you are away from your computer – then that solution is not real time and it is not the one for you.

We are not kidding. You should not invest in an ERP solution that doesn’t give you exactly what you need. Accountants and controllers don’t need to know what the business looked like yesterday – they need to know about today!

The problem is that many of the major solutions (Microsoft, Oracle, etc.) were not built with real time functionality in mind. They can get as close as they can to that reality, but without completely rewriting the software it is impossible.

Fortunately, solutions like Carillon® ERP were built from the beginning to meet real time expectations.

What does “real time ERP” really mean for businesses?

Imagine not only having the most up to date information at a moment’s notice, but also having access to it where ever you are. Carillon has integrated Portal with our ERP solution. That means you can look up information anywhere – on your personal laptop at home, on your phone in transit, or even on a tablet at a coffee shop. You can stay informed no matter where you are in the world.

Real time also means less hassle for your employees. Year-end closing is as simple as clicking a checkbox – we are seriously not joking about this. There’s no waiting for system updates to apply changes to sales or production orders. They can even begin working on orders and item inventory maintenance for the next year before closing the current one! Your company has complete control and access to data at all times.

Still not sure about the benefits of a real time ERP solution?

Call an expert today at 1-800-739-9933 or email us at