The Perfect Message for Our Favorite Audience

We are so pleased that our 3 minute Quickfire speech hit home at the Gartner Midsize Enterprise Summit in San Antonio last week. We had the honor of addressing the entire summit for a short message on the changing demands on IT infrastructure. Larry R. Pettit, our President gave the audience of 350 CIOs and CTOs information on our award winning solution, and our Communications Specialist, Lauren Schaefer, gave the group insight into the mentality of the millennial generation that is now entering the workforce. The values and culture of this new wave of employees will be very different from previous generations, and some of the current challenges we face in terms of security, data sprawl, and cloud technology are a direct result of their “Me” centric outlook. You can hear the speech here. Forward to 10:00 minutes in to skip to Carillon’s Quickfire address. If you are interested in attending next year’s Midsize Enterprise Summit, please contact our Marketing Manager by submitting this contact form.

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